It’s That Time of Year: Check Your Insulation for Issues Before the Winter

Pests such as rats, mice, and squirrels chewing holes in your insulation all year can lead to a very chilly winter in Southern Oregon. Other common insulation problems such as improperly sealed belly wraps, mold and mildew growth, and dry rot can also compromise the integrity of your insulation. All these issues can lead to […]

3 Reasons Bats in Your Home Is a Bad Thing

Bats can decrease the nuisance insect population around your home, help pollinate your yard, and provide fertilizer in the form of guano. They can also carry and spread diseases, cause infections, contaminate your water supply, and damage your property. If you have a problematic bat infestation, don’t take it lightly. Get help from the pest […]

Five Ways to Deter Spiders This Summer

Spiders are one of the most common summertime pests in the United States, and the Southern Oregon area is no exceptional to this nationwide trend. While some spiders gravitate toward moist areas such as basements, others make their homes in warmer areas such as attics.    Take a look at the following five tips to […]

17 Ways To Prevent Mold Growth

Mold growth is not only expensive to remove, it can have a negative impact on the health of your family. To support your effort to prevent mold growth in your home or commercial property, we have compiled the following list of tips to help you keep your family safe from mold. If your home experiences […]

How to Control Pests in the Summer Months

Pests can be a major nuisance all year-round, but they are particularly annoying during the summer months, as many people in Southern Oregon spend more time outside. Nothing destroys the fun of a day at the beach or a backyard barbecue like a horde of unwanted guests. Unfortunately, mosquitoes, ticks, and other common warm weather […]

How to Bug-Proof Your Home This Spring

Pests and bugs can quickly invade your home and cause serious problems. It is more difficult to enjoy the warmth of spring if you are dealing with a big infestation. Follow these tips to bug-proof your home this spring. Stay Aware One of the most important things for you to do is remain aware of […]

Three Frequently Spotted Summer Pests in the Pacific Northwest

Summertime is full of sun and time spent enjoying the great outdoors. Unfortunately, there are many pests that emerge in the summer that can inflict damage on your gardens and homes in southern Oregon.  Read on to gain a better understanding of three of the most common summer pests in the area. If you’re aware of […]

3 Tips for Preventing Indoor Summer Pests

Dealing with pests can be a challenge for homeowners in southern Oregon. With the ability to get through tiny holes and chomp through boxes and containers, it can be difficult to protect your home from the large number of insects that will target your home during the summer. In order to prevent an onslaught of annoying […]

Common Winter and Springtime Pests

Though the end of winter is nearing, the fact is that we haven’t truly gotten close to springtime weather yet. As long as winter weather remains, it is important for homeowners in Medford, Oregon, to be aware of the most common pests that infiltrate homes during winters. Check out the following list of most common […]

4 Common Spring Pests

  With springtime just around the corner, it is crucial for homeowners to be prepared for the potential pests that may try to invade their homes in the upcoming months. Check out the following list of the most common springtime pests and how to deter them.   1. Termites Springtime is also termite season, which […]