A-One Exterminators | 3 Pests That Love Your Insulation

A-One Exterminators

When you invest in your home’s insulation, you’re thinking about comfort, energy efficiency, and protection from the elements. However, these same features can inadvertently attract unwelcome guests. Insulation, with its warm and protected environment, can become a prime target for certain pests if it’s not properly maintained. These critters often make their homes in the less visible areas of your house, like within the walls. Here are three pests that might be taking advantage of your insulation:

Mice and Roof Rats

Mice and roof rats are among the most common pests that seek refuge in your insulation. These rodents are notorious for their ability to chew through various materials, including cellulose-based insulation. They often establish nests within the insulation before making their way into your living spaces. By the time you notice them scurrying across your kitchen, they may have already caused significant damage or contamination starting from their initial nesting site in the insulation.

Wasps and Bees

Wasps and bees are drawn to the warmth and protection of insulated spaces. They can chew through wood and create nests within your walls, sometimes establishing large colonies. These nests can go unnoticed for a long time, only to become a significant problem as the population grows and they become more aggressive. Regular inspections can help detect and prevent these nests from becoming a larger issue.


Ticks are increasingly making their way into homes, especially as they continue to spread northward. Traditionally found in leaf litter and natural insulation outside, some ticks now find their way into your home’s insulation during colder months. Ticks can carry various diseases, including Lyme disease, and their presence in your walls is a serious health concern. Ensuring that your insulation is properly sealed and maintained can help prevent these parasites from taking up residence in your home.

If you have concerns about pests in your insulation or need assistance with pest control, don’t hesitate to reach out. At A-One Exterminators, we’re here to help you safeguard your home and keep unwanted pests at bay. Contact us today to learn more about how we can protect your home from these and other invasive pests.