How to Get Rid of Pests in Your Pantry

A-One Exterminators

Pantries can be the perfect places for pests to settle in. They’re usually dry and warmer than the outside, and they’re likely not an area you spend a lot of time in—not to mention all the food available to the pest. A pest infestation can happen without you knowing exactly how it happened.

What Types of Pests Are Common in the Pantry?

Here in Southern Oregon, you might encounter a few different types of pests. Termites are an obvious one, but there are lots of others that might pop up. You can also run into different kinds of beetles that can end up in flour and sugar. These can be incredibly difficult to get rid of.

In addition to these, weevils, silverfish, and earwigs can terrorize your pantry space as well.

What to Be Wary of

Each of these pests goes through four life cycle stages. These are egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Unfortunately, these can all be present simultaneously, so just because you get rid of visible adult pests doesn’t mean the food is safe to eat. They may still be present in egg form.

How to Protect Your Pantry

Luckily, you can take a few steps to protect your pantry goods. First, steer clear of buying in bulk. This can be tempting, but having a large amount of a food product that sits for a long time is a great place for pests to exist.

Additionally, you should take the time to check out your groceries before you take them home. Pests often enter your home through things you bring inside. You should also be sure you have a proper, airtight container to store pantry goods, and you should clean up any spills immediately when they happen.

If you’re following all these steps but still can’t get rid of your pests, trust the experts at A-One Exterminators. Contact us immediately, and we can help solve your pest problem.