The Trouble of Termites
Termites Are a Troubling Concern for Many Homeowners When thinking about the maintenance and upkeep of your property, ensuring that you don’t have termites is one of the most important steps to take. An infestation of termites can be an expensive problem to have because these pests can cause costly damage to your home’s structure. […]
4 Signs Your Home Has a Termite Problem
Termite infestation results in an estimated $5 billion worth of property damage to homes every year. The most common termites in the PNW are the Western subterranean termites and damp wood termites. These pests can go undetected for long periods of time, with a colony of termites numbering several thousand within a five-year period and […]
Termites: an Introduction
Termites are small insects, about the same size as ants, that feed on dead plant material and – unfortunately – the wood in your home! Americans spend about $5 billion ever year on termite treatments, and repairing the damage termites do. They infest all kinds of structures, particularly older homes, often entering through obscure places […]
Mold & Termites – An Unfortunate Combination That A-One Exterminators Takes Care Of!
Mold! It’s become a word synonymous with “disaster” for homeowners! There are so many health reasons that mold is a problem in homes that we hate to add another to the list, but, unfortunately, mold is like ambrosia for two of the worst insects in a home – silverfish and termites! This is why A-One […]