10 Reasons to Get Rid of Mold in Your Home

Mold is a problem no matter where you live. If you have lived in an area with high humidity, then you know how difficult it can be to get rid of mold and mildew. The best way to get rid of mold is by hiring a professional company like A One Exterminators. We offer comprehensive […]

Protect Your Home From Mold and Fungus This Fall

Since there are more than 100,000 species of mold in the world, 1,000 of which are prevalent in the United States, it is no surprise that this catalyst of decomposition often finds its way into our homes. When you have a mold problem, it is not unlike an insect infestation, in that you must eradicate […]

4 Myths About Mold

What You Need to Know About Mold: Debunking Myths   While performing spring cleaning, one of the biggest unexpected surprises you’ll find is mold. While mold affects the well-being of your home and is a hygiene issue, as well as a health issue, there are also a lot of misconceptions about it. These misleading facts […]

Is Your Home Harboring One of These Common Oregon Pests?

Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. In this case, the enemies are household pests. The more you know about common pests in your region, the better you will be able to keep them out of your home for good. Here are a few simple facts about some of the most common critters that […]

4 Risk Factors for Mold in Southern Oregon

Is Your Southern Oregon Home at Risk for Mold? The primary risk factor for mold in southern Oregon is moisture. Recognizing moisture as a risk factor is one thing, identifying sources of moisture is another. In our area of the state, the wet season lasts for around half a year, which can contribute to high […]

Fungus-Gnats & Drain-Flys – Oh No!

At A-One Exterminators, we pretty much see the world as filled with bugs, because – well, that’s our job! Because we keep up with the latest technology and science on all things in the wide world of bugs, we have seen a growing link between bug infestations and the growth of mold in a home. […]

A New Mold Worry – Mold Mites!

Mites have not been associated with mold before, but now it has been discovered that the tiny white and tan “bugs” that people are finding swarming over surfaces are actually “mold mites.” They are attracted by and thrive in moist, moldy environments that are generally found in kitchens and bathrooms. This kind of mite actually […]

Mold + Wallpaper = A Feast For Silverfish!

Wallpaper creates damp environments, and mold often thrives in cool, dark spaces.  That is a combination that’s almost impossible for silverfish to resist. Silverfish can be hard to detect because they’re small and nocturnal; you generally only know they’re there after you see the damage they’ve done. If you have wallpaper and see it start […]