Tips For Controlling Bad Bugs In Your Garden Naturally – Other Natural Steps To Take To Discourage Bad Bugs In Your Garden
There are a number of simple things that anyone can do to deal with unwanted guests in your garden without resorting to chemicals, these include: Add a bird bath or feeder to attract either beneficial insects, or birds that will eat problem insects. Every morning, simply pick off harmful bugs by hand or knock them […]
Tips For Controlling Bad Bugs In Your Garden Naturally – Plant An Herb Garden!
As a general rule, insects don’t tend to bother aromatic herbs the way they pester other plants, flowers and vegetables, so using herbs to repel the bugs that are attracted to the rest of your garden is a good way to keep them at bay. Figuring out what plants you want in your garden, and […]
Tips For Controlling Bad Bugs In Your Garden Naturally – Observe & Learn What Plants To Plant In Your Garden To Control Pests!
A good thing for every gardener to remember is that all bugs aren’t bad. Contrary to popular belief, most bugs are harmless, and when it comes to gardens, many bugs are beneficial, and even necessary! Another thing to remember is that there are always bugs in a garden, they are a part of nature’s handiwork. […]