Addressing Mold in Your Home Before Spring

Spring might still be months away, but for many, allergy-like symptoms have already begun. While pollen and grass allergies typically flare up in March or April, some families find themselves coughing and sneezing long before the first blooms appear. If you’re experiencing these symptoms without an obvious cause, mold could be the culprit. Understanding Mold […]

10 Reasons to Get Rid of Mold in Your Home

Mold is a problem no matter where you live. If you have lived in an area with high humidity, then you know how difficult it can be to get rid of mold and mildew. The best way to get rid of mold is by hiring a professional company like A One Exterminators. We offer comprehensive […]

Signs Your Home Has a Mold Problem

With spring still a few months away, most people have not begun to think about allergies yet. It’s common to suffer from seasonal allergies like pollen and grass. The symptoms of these reactions usually don’t show up until March or April. Though the trees are not yet budding and the grass is still brown, families […]

Protect Your Home From Mold and Fungus This Fall

Since there are more than 100,000 species of mold in the world, 1,000 of which are prevalent in the United States, it is no surprise that this catalyst of decomposition often finds its way into our homes. When you have a mold problem, it is not unlike an insect infestation, in that you must eradicate […]

4 Myths About Mold

What You Need to Know About Mold: Debunking Myths   While performing spring cleaning, one of the biggest unexpected surprises you’ll find is mold. While mold affects the well-being of your home and is a hygiene issue, as well as a health issue, there are also a lot of misconceptions about it. These misleading facts […]

4 Risk Factors for Mold in Southern Oregon

Is Your Southern Oregon Home at Risk for Mold? The primary risk factor for mold in southern Oregon is moisture. Recognizing moisture as a risk factor is one thing, identifying sources of moisture is another. In our area of the state, the wet season lasts for around half a year, which can contribute to high […]

Mold Removal: Hire a Pro or Do It Yourself?

When people discover mold build up in their homes, they usually take it upon themselves to clean it, considering the costs that come with hiring a professional cleaning services company. However, this comes with several risks, and sometimes, the risks involved are way too great – so great in fact that it involves putting your […]